We help with

JF Bygg As provide comprehensive renovation services.
TEL 46399812



JF Bygg As specializes in all kinds of building renovations. We will renew the facades, roofs and other building components. We use materials of the best quality and can guarantee the durability of the works we perform.


JF Bygg As provide comprehensive carpentry services in the field of interior decorating of houses and flats, external - internal tailored furniture and stairs. We will make any of your dreams come true :)


Gypsum finishing coat is an ideal solution if you wish to have a smooth wall ready for the finishing coat to be applied. For the surface not to crack cement lime plaster must be applied and then the wall can be smoothed.

Miracles take a little time: We do the impossible at once!

- Jan Falkowski



JF Bygg As specializes in all kinds of building renovations. We will renew the facades, roofs and other building components. We use materials of the best quality and can guarantee the durability of the works we perform.


JF Bygg As provide comprehensive carpentry services in the field of interior decorating of houses and flats, external - internal tailored furniture and stairs. We will make any of your dreams come true :)


Gypsum finishing coat is an ideal solution if you wish to have a smooth wall ready for the finishing coat to be applied. For the surface not to crack cement lime plaster must be applied and then the wall can be smoothed.


Laying ceramic and porcelain tiles, as well as stone of all sizes. Professional performance of silicone and joint grouts, bricklaying works. To view our projects, please see our photo gallery.


JF Bygg As offer both classic and modern furniture. Everybody will find something for themselves at reasonable prices and of the best quality. Visit our project photo gallery!


We will prepare the surface in an appropriate way so that you could enjoy the effects over a long period of time. We have broad experience. Please view our project photo gallery!

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Oppussing på huset mitt har gått veldig raskt og nøyaktig. Kontakten med renoveringsfirma var meget positiv og uproblematisk.
Marit Anfinsen
Arbeidet har blitt utført innenfor avtalte tidsrammer og etter gjeldene krav. Gjennomføringen av arbeidet har foregått med god orden og godt renhold.
Asbjørn Holt
Allerede etter en først dag var det klart, at denne arbeidstokken hadde mangeårig erfaring og det resulterte i hurtig gjennomføring samt ypperste kvalitet.
Bjørn Fredriksen
JF Bygg var effektiv fra start til slutt av mitt lille membranprosjekt og han ga oss rådd og veiledning gjennom hele prosessen! Takk!
Quy Thanh Nguyen
JF bygg har byttet kjøkken for meg. De var veldig flinke, raske, holdt frister og avtalt pris. Ga råd underveis. Supert resultat. 100%
Irena Sahpazidis
Kvalitet pa tjenester og en profesjonell tilnarming. Flinke folk - jeg anbefaler.


Vanglistubben 33, 1914 Ytre Enebakk